downed pilot |
equal number teams
1 extra player as pilot |
game style |
extraction |
force on force |
teams |
pilot recovery force |
insurgents |
starting point |
edge of field |
center of field |
objective |
reach pilot, move to evac zone |
eliminate opfor/pilot |
pilot |
starts at center field. pistol only. can move/fire
victory qualifications
rescue team: eliminate opfor and/or bring pilot to start point
Opposing forces: eliminate the rescue team and pilot
Downed pilot is an extraction style game. members of the pilot's team start on one side of the field with their downed pilot starting on the opposite side. opfor team is set up in the middle of the field, splitting the pilot's team. the rescue squad must fight their way to the opposite end of the field to rescue the pilot. once the pilot is located, the entire team must move back to the original starting point. the pilot will only have a pistol to defend themselves. the pilot is able to move and shoot normally.