YouTube Premium Unboxing $1000 Airsoft Mystery Box
Want to up the ante for high tier prizes? The the Airsoft GI YouTube Premium Unboxing $1000 Airsoft Mystery Box is exactly what you are looking for!
Check out our Live Streams every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm PST onour YouTube Channel!
No Returns or Exchanges
The YouTube Premium Unboxing $1000 Airsoft Mystery Box is the high end box that you have always wanted! In each mystery box, you are guaranteed the best! Not only can you win amazing prizes from KWA, Tokyo Marui, E&L, LCT, Elite Force, E&C, and many of your other favorite brands. You are guaranteed at least one Airsoft GI Custom! Each mystery box is built to order, JUST FOR YOU! If you are looking for the best and fastest way to up your arsenal, the YouTube Premium Unboxing $1000 Airsoft Mystery Box is exactly what you are looking for!
Will Call Is Now Available!
We will now be accepting Will Call Orders for you to pick up your mystery box at our California and Texas Locations! All you have to do is choose "Will Call" as your shipping method. Make sure you select the correct store! See below for our store locations.
California Location:
Airsoft GI
21077 Commerce Pointe Dr. Walnut, California 91789
Texas Location:
Pick up at D14 Airsoft Field for our Texas Customers!
What is a Mystery Box?
With the purchase of a Mystery Box, you are guaranteed to receive an item that's MSRP is at least what you paid for the box. However, you have a chance to win great prizes worth well more than for what the Mystery Box was sold. We offer tons of awesome boxes like this one and our Youtube Unboxing Mystery Box here at Airsoft GI to give you tons of ways to win awesome prizes!
Want to know more? Check out our Airsoft GI TV Blog post explaining mystery box details by clicking HERE. Browse through our blog coverage of airsoft products, tips, advice, promotions, and more at our Airsoft GITV Blog!
While you are at it, read through our post on electric vs gas powered airsoft guns, different models, comparisons and more covered with our Top Airsoft Questions - "Which" Edition
Please Note:
- We do the very best that we can to randomize the entire process of the mystery box creation. Nevertheless, there is still a probability that if multiple boxes are purchased that duplicate items will be received. In order to maintain the integrity of the mystery box and make it fair to all who participate, no refunds or exchanges will be made for mystery box items. Thank you for your understanding.
- Mystery Boxes are NOT Canadian Compliant.
- Mystery Boxes are NOT eligible for international shipping. International orders placed for Mystery Boxes will be CANCELED AUTOMATICALLY.
- The weight of each individual mystery box is equivalent in order for it to be fair for everyone.
- Battery and Charger may not be included in some airsoft guns.
- Value of each item is determined by the MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)
- All Mystery Boxes do not qualify for free shipping
- The YouTube Unboxing Mystery Box Series may take a 3-5 day processing time, due to each box being built individually. Processing time may vary.
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Airsoft GI

With the hefty price tag I was cautiously optimistic. Let me tell you that I was thoroughly impressed and am left speechless at the care and quality that I was left with.