VFC AKS74 AEG Airsoft Rifle (Wood)
[02132 / VFCAKS74]
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From one of the most renowned companies in Asia for paying close attention to detail comes the VFC AKS 74. The VFC is by far the most realistic replica of the AK-74 that is standard issue to the Russian Army today. The VFC is sturdily constructed with a full metal receiver, a metal barrel assembly, and a wood handguard. Also, the AKS-74 features a side folding stock that improves its manuverability in CQB and woodland conditions. Why pay over $700 dollars for a converted Tokyo Marui with similar upgrades when you can get the VFC for only $465.
Gearbox type: Type 3 (GB TECH Preupgraded)
Magazine capacity: 150 rounds
Lenght: 1040mm
Muzzle velocity: 360fps
Accuracy: 120 feet
Battery pack size: Stick type
Package includes: Manual, 150 Round Magazine, Cleaning Rod
Side Folding Stock
Real Wood Handguard
Full Metal Construction
Real Stamping on Receiver
Country of Origin:
Please Note:
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: VFC
- Muzzle Velocity: 360fps

First off, i do not own this gun, however i am ordering it in a few days. I HAVE however held, played against, and used this rifle several times.
The first thing to know about VFC is that they dont pump out a new gun every month like ECHO1 or UTG. Unlike those cheap companies, VFC takes a design of a successful real-life firearm such as the AK74 (their most successful series)
Now that VFC has the gun, they work on building up the best internals possible. how do they do this? they take a Version 3 gearbox, an EG1300 motor, the best piston and hop up chamber they ca make, and mate them with a 6.04mm barrel, IN STOCK FORM.
Also with a barrel lenth of 510mms it is already more accurate and longer-ranged than most competitors (however lenth is a problem, but that is what the folding stock is for!)
now the body of the weapon. Unlike TM or CA who claim their AEGs are the top guns, VFC actually stamps the steel in the same method as the real AK and rivets and pins (no grub screws or allen screws like a CA) the whole body together. now that the steel body is solidly locked together like a REAL AK, they put on some real wooden grips. (which arent crappy, idiots just put the gun down on gravel or something and it takes the finish off. If you dont like wood, buy the composite RIS grips for it and stop your bitching.) Also unlike CA and TM the Bakalite magazine and pistol grip are not just plastic, but real bakalite (an early plastic developed in the 60s) So now your 1:1 scale, solid as a rock, FIELD STRIPPABLE, Real Steel bayonet compatable, AK is now complete, and has already outstripped competitors in every category.
A teammate of mine has this gun. From the second he first showed it to me, i was in love. I knew i had to ditch my problematic CA M4 fast and buy this. So i managed to wheedle my parents into letting me keep my M4 and buy the AKS with my own money. (HUZZAH!)
now for a summary of the performance:
My friend showed me his AKS when i brought my M4 to his house to get a barrel put in. he brought it outside, put his authentic Russian PSO-1 Telescopic sight onto the mount. (he has the version with the scope mount) and let me through his yard to a 6 foot high dummy that he made from old clothes and some burlap. he then walked 200 feet away (not joking. 200 feet exactly he measured a mark of 200 feet for reference when target shooting) and with a few seconds of sighting in on the target let rip from his gun.
He emptied the lowcap in a few seconds, and watching the dummy, you could see the fabric of the head just crumpling in with bbs bouncing off it. Once the sound of shooting stopped, i looked back to my friend with amazement (i believe my mouth was wide open with amazement.......)
I began asking him things about the gun, what company (I had assumed it was a CA at first never having heard of VFC before) what model (my first assumption was an SLR-105 as CA calls it) and whether the gun was stock or not. He replied (to my amazement) that it was totally stock. VFC spends years testing and tweaking their guns before release of the gun to ensure that they work.
If you go to the VFC website: http://www.gb-tech.com.tw/_newsite/eng/VFC_EN_main.htm
you will find that they only have four guns out now, and are currently working on the AK-47AIM (a Romanian AK-47s with a integral wooden vertical foregrip), the FNC (a Belgian 5.56x45 NATO chambered Assault rifle that is M-16 mag compatable, SCAR-L which comes with three outer barrels and two inner barrels, and an RK-105. ALONG with their newly released BAR and Barret M82A1 .50 caliber GAS sniper rifle.
VFC easily makes the best AKs on the market today. Though if you want a VFC, it is either an AK or an HK416 unless you want to really start shelling out money.
The Version 3 gearbox and the EG1300 motor make it a prime cold weather weapon. When my last airsoft game on Feb 16th led to all the AEGs locking up because of the cold, the two other VFCs were still kicking ass below 25 degrees (which is when AEGs start freezing up)
DO NOT TRY UPGRADING THIS WEAPON. The performance is amazing for a stock gun, and we all know that once that first upgrade goes in, the other stock parts start failing and before you know it you have a beautiful AK-74 with mismatched internals and your gun will be crap. if you leave the internals stock, this gun is GUARANTEED to last you at least 10 years.
NOTE: Unlike the cast metal bodies of Armalites (M16s and such), the stamped steel of an AK is lighter, also if you drop your Armalite on a rock that cast body will crack. If you drop your VFC on a rock (idk why you would) you just use a hammer and gently tap out the dent and repaint it.
Also note that the problems of the VFC AKSU-74N have been solved with this gun. The folding stock locks and folds easier, the action has more re-inforcement so the ejection port cover dosent fold in under pressure, and the magazines will go in fine, because the Mag well has been redesigned slightly so the mags have more room to go in and wont need to be really worked in lik the AKSU-74N.
happy hunting.
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