Sentinel Gears Tactical Bipod Grip (Black)
[34669 / SG-02-B]
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The Sentinel Gears Tactical Bipod Grip can be used when running around with your airsoft gun or if you plan to mount it down on a platform with the bipod. The combination of a hand grip and bipod make this a sure choice to take onto the match with you. A simple press of a button deploys the bipod below the hand grip.
Manufacturer: Sentinel Gears
Model: Tactical Bipod Grip
Color: Black
Package Includes: Grip
- Polymer Construction
- Quickly Deploy Bipod
- Increase Stability
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Sentinel Gears
What material is this made out of?
I'm just wondering if it'll break in one game or not.
2396 days ago Andrew B
(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
It is made of polymer. 2393 days ago 0
1 answers 1 asked |