Emerson PASGT Replica Helmet (Black)
[M11A01][01655 / M88B]Description:
The PASGT Helmet was standard issue to US Military in the 1980s, and was used all the way up to 2003 when it was replaced by the MICH. It's design is to protect the head and accommodate for communication equipment like radio headsets. This replication of the MICH by OE TECH won't stop bullets but will do fine against airsoft BBs. For an authentic look that protects your dome, look no further than the Emerson PASGT.
Manufacturer: Emerson
Model: PASGT Replica
Color: Black
Durable Head Protection
Authentic Look
Great Replica of the PASGT
Able to accommodate comm equipment
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Emerson
This helmet can be used for airsoft and PAINTBALL!!!
awesome helmet!
It sounds cool when bbs or paintball's hit it!
Goods adjustable chin strap
good head protection!
still got peripheral vision!
it's black so the heat come in fast!
gets hot quickly
this is a GREAT helmet!!! looks very real and nice. very comfy and very adjustable to almost any headsize. just an amazing helmet. GET THIS HELMET RITE NAO!!!! dont get the MICH, this is like 50000X better
very adjustable
compatible with helmet covers