Condor Outdoor Nimbus Light Loft Jacket (Black/XXL)
[L05A00][21991 / 101097-002-XXL]New to airsoft? Here are some safety tips for airsoft guns that we recommend following.
Condor Elite has over 20 years of experience in the tactical/outdoor gear industry; specializing in tactical gear including vests, plate carriers, modular pouches, and packs. They are a licensed Multicam and A-TACS dealer. Condor Elite gear has become a staple in law enforcement, military, and airsoft industries given its quality and affordable price. More recently they have expanded to making more of their products in the USA and have added a tactical apparel line, offering technical performance jackets, base layers, and pants.
The Condor Nimbus jacket is an incredibly lightweight and compressible jacket for keeping in a backpack for quick access. The interior is made from Condor's "PrimaLoft" insulation to work well in cool and moderate weather. The exterior is made from water shedding nylon that allow the jacket to be used year round in inclement weather. The torso of the jacket features three exterior, and two interior pockets for storage of personal items and allows easy access to stored items This jacket comes in Black and is Sized XX-LargeSpecifications:
Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
Model: Nimbus Light Loft Jacket
Color: Black
Size: XXL
Package Includes: Jacket
- 60g PrimaLoft insulation
- Water resistant nylon outershell
- 3 Exterior pockets for storage
- Stretchable softshell side panels
- Interior pockets for additional storage
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
- Color: Black
- Size: XXL
- Package Includes: Jacket