Condor Outdoor MOLLE i-Pouch (Coyote)
[ST03][32774 / MA45-498]
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Condor Outdoor Products Inc. has over 20 years of experience in the tactical/outdoor gear industry; specializing in tactical gear including vests, plate carriers, modular pouches, and packs. They are a licensed Multicam and A-TACS dealer. Condor Outdoor gear has become a staple in law enforcement, military, and airsoft industries given its quality and affordable price. More recently they have expanded to making more of their products in the USA and have added a tactical apparel line, offering technical performance jackets, base layers, and pants.
The Condor Outdoor iPouch is for the tactical and safe transportation of your iPod onto the field of battle. The iPocket has a smooth lining to avoid scratching the iPod; and for security the iPocket has an elastic strap, Velcro flap, and plastic snap buckle. Behind the iPocket is a zippered compartment perfect for earphones or other miscellaneous equipment.
Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
Country of Origin: Made in China
Material: 600 Denier
Size: 5.5"H x 3"W x 2"D
Weight: 0.26lbs
Color: Coyote
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor