Condor Outdoor MOLLE Shotgun Ammo Pouch (OD Green)
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Condor Outdoor Products Inc. has over 20 years of experience in the tactical/outdoor gear industry; specializing in tactical gear including vests, plate carriers, modular pouches, and packs. They are a licensed Multicam and A-TACS dealer. Condor Outdoor gear has become a staple in law enforcement, military, and airsoft industries given its quality and affordable price. More recently they have expanded to making more of their products in the USA and have added a tactical apparel line, offering technical performance jackets, base layers, and pants.
The Condor Outdoor Shotgun Shell Molle Pouch attaches to your molle vest to give you quick access to 12 shells for reloading. When not in use for shotgun shells, it's the perfect size pouch to hold miscellaneous items like car keys, ipods, or gum.
Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
Material: 600 Denier
Size: 4"H x 7"W x 1.50"D
Weight: 0.33lbs
Color: OD
- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Condor Outdoor
- Color: Olive Drab
- Size: 4"H x 7"W x 1.50"D
- Material: 600 Denier
- Package Includes: One (1) Shotgun Shell Pouch
very nice pouch. if you are wanting this but don't own a Molle vest. don't worry. because this can easily be fitted around a standard belt. the molle system in the back is a set of 4 strong button straps as well as 4 or 5 loops. this is how i have mine set up. my vest has a wide belt at the bottom of it, and there are button straps that hold the belt on. what i did was put 2 of the straps on the very left side of the buckle through the loops. simple as that. and it fits very snug.
its a useful thing to have. before i stuck my shells into the mag pouches on my vest (i only have one hi-cap. and its in my gun). it worked out and all...but its not very practical. plus i'm getting midcaps soon. so the space is going to be taken up inevitably. also, my UTG shotgun, other than being a secondary for when i snipe, is a "lender" which i give to anybody who doesn't have a gun who plays in our airsoft games. and i always worry about them losing the shells. my friend did just this. he had a very loose pockets and he lost one of my shells. but now if i want to lend my shotgun to anybody, i can just give them the pouch along with it.
another thing. it also works as a dump pouch if its not full. i only have 7 shells. so one in the gun and the rest fill up one side. so i have room to just toss in the used shell.
the straps and loops can still be used regardless of having a MOLLE vest or not
can be used as a dump pouch if not full
on the outside of the pouch there is a place to put velcro patches (the pictures don't really show it)
none really....
Great pouch. Holds all my shells (and more), made well and looks great.
For an airsoft shotgun, 12 shells is a decent amount of ammunition, so you won't have to worry about running out of BBs during a game.
The pouch is also good for holding small random items. The pouch also has some velcro on the front, even though the pictures on the website don't show it.
Overall, it's a great pouch for $9. I highly recommend it.
Ammo capacity.
Build quality.
Bonus velcro space.
A cute little area in the middle for holding extra stuff.
None that I know of.
Nice compact pouch for storing your shotgun shells. I recently learned something from a buddy of mine that blew my mind. Not only can this be mounted onto a MOLLE plate carrier or vest, but the straps on this pouch were designed to also be wrapped around the stock of a shotgun! *Mind. Blown* (See the pictures on the ACU version of this pouch)
Holds 12 shells.
Velcro panel on the front.
Grommet for drainage.
I was going to say something about how the straps are a little loose because the snaps are on another loop, but now that I know the straps were also designed to be used around a full stock, I can't complain.