Classic Army Full Metal M14 EBR Match AEG Airsoft Rifle
[05846 / S008M]
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Classic Army is a leading manufacturer of Airsoft products, setting standards for the entire industry. Classic Army produced the first full metal production M4 and MP5 AEGs. Classic Army built the first glass-filled nylon fiber AEG in their G36. Classic Army was the first to introduce a high-end SCAR AEG. Since inception, Classic Army has been an innovator in design and production of Airsoft guns for the collector and wargamer market, offering a wide selection of products to suit their customers' tastes and needs. Through their years of experience and knowledge, Classic Army has developed their creed of Total Performance
Gearbox Type: Ver. 7
Muzzle Velocity: 400 fps
Magazine Capacity: 470 rounds
Battery Pack Size: Mini or Custom
Package Includes: gun, magazine, cleaning rod, and manual
Metal Bushings
Full Metal M14 R.I.S.
Collapsible Stock and Cheek Rest
High Capacity: Magazine
Please Note:

- Specifications
- Manufacturer: Classic Army
- Muzzle Velocity: 400 fps

Classic Army Mk14 EBR match airsoft gun. Classic army decided to make a version of the Mk14 EBR that looks good in the pictures, but by all means in a $460 paper weight. The gun looks great,but is mostly made of pot metal. And a weak pot metal at that. The exterior is a flat black, with no markings. The only markings come on the upper receiver of the rifle, and thats it. But in its defense,it is lighter than the KART Mk14EBR, at over 2 times the cost.
My rifle stopped firing only after 10 rounds were put through the rifle. Then it stopped. My team gun smith took the gun apart, and here is what he wiring, bad motor,and the gears were only shimmed with 1 shim the entire gear set. The anti reversal latch was broken. How ever, the gears were only rounded and not broken,and the piston was unharmed.
I am going to give this gun a low rating in which is consistent with Classic Army army products. I would not recommend purchasing this rifle at all, not even to upgrade. Personally,I would like to see classic army go out of business. Their QC is non existent, they use the cheapest metals available, and they price their rifles far over what they should be worth, and that is worth to nothing.
If you want a better EBR replica, go with the KART. At $179.00 the thing is built like a tank, and the thing is very much upgradeable.Just replace the gear box, barrel and hop up and bushings and you have a EBR at1/2 the price of a piece of trash classic army.
I do own both the classic army and kart ebr. I would buy the kart.Save your self over $200 and up grade the kart.
Cheap pot metal
Great decoration or paper weight
costs $460
A perfect 1 star rating
Only 1 shim the entire gear box
wiring is cheap
bad motor
cheap gears
cracked piston head
worn gear box by bad bushings
Way over priced
KART makes a far superior product(thats not saying much)
All in all, if you like classic army,then this gun is for you.

Classic army m14 EBR match
Very sturdy, High FPS, Lots of rail space, No jingling or rattling, stock is not bad, full metal, big battery space, good rate of fire, good fps.
nothing that i can see, maybe i need to rate more than 5

I had a bit of trouble when i first got this weapon. It shot about three times and just stopped for no reason. Switched out multiple batteries and still no results. This gun does have a warranty but I didn't feel like going through all the trouble, so I decided to break it open and see what I could find. I removed the motor from the gear box and manually rolled the gears to free up a jam. Slapped everything back together and it's been working beautifully ever since. Extremely accurate with a scope attachment and high FPS. I'm no metal expert but I know that it is built very solid. Being a clumsy player I have dropped this rifle on rocks, dirt, branches and I just picked it back up with no damages. Very rugged and sturdy, no wobbles( except for the magazine). Pretty heavy though, but I like that. The charging bolt is very solid and snaps back hard. This gun can quickly transform from sniper rifle to assault rifle. By switching the selector switch to fully auto, attaching my holographic sight and adjusting the butt stock and I've got myself a very fierce looking assault rifle that sends its rounds down range with tight pellet spread.
high fps
good accuracy
high rate of fire on auto
sturdy and rugged
heavy and fully metal
Rail system
easy to dissemble
strong bolt
looks sexy with a scope
malfunctioned when I first got it
will a Echo 1 version 7 gearbox fit in this ?
2902 days ago Patrick C
(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
No, these are specific to the G&G and Classic Army m14s only. 2472 days ago 0
1 answers 1 asked |
silencer? | 0 answers 1 asked |
full auto | 0 answers 1 asked |
can a 9.6v crane stock battery fit in it
3817 days ago Nick R
(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
It should be able to fit. 3816 days ago 0
1 answers 1 asked |
Rails | 0 answers 1 asked |
Barrel length | 0 answers 1 asked |
When this gun be back in stock?
I just wanted to know when or if it will be back in stock
3852 days ago Jordan J
(I have this same question)
Staff Answer:
We are working to get more in stock 3850 days ago 0
1 answers 1 asked |
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