Airsoft Guns Buyers Guide
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Trending in Airsoft 2024 ( Currently )

Trending in Airsoft 2024 (Currently)

With airsoft companies constantly looking for ways to innovate the airsoft world, there is always something new to look forward to. With time moving forward, the trends are constantly changing. Weather it be gear, accessories, airsoft guns, or even camouflage. I am going to talk about some of the current airsoft trends in 20242.

AR Pistols

I would say the release of pistol caliber rifles in airsoft started in about 2017. However the trend didn't pick up until the middle of 2018 and carries on into 2019. With manufacturers like Classic Army, G&G, and Ares all having versions of a rifle with a pistol caliber style magazine. I think it is safe to say that AR Pistols have made a permanent home in airsoft.

Classic Army X9 AEG Rifles


Everyone has a personal favorite when it comes to camo patterns. I personally love Multicam and Woodland. I know a lot of others who would agree with me. However with new studies and releases of different camouflage patterns. There are some patterns that gain popularity. With everyone's personal opinions set aside. The current trendy camouflage is CADPAT! That is right! I am just as surprised as you are! Canadian Disruptive Pattern is the current trend. Released back in 2002 for the Canadian Armed Forces. CADPAT has made its way around the airsoft trends. I do believe that eventually everyone will go back to Multicam. (Cisco is a little salty!) We have notice that Multicam Black is starting to rise in popularity again.

CADPAT pattern
multicam black pattern
Crye Multicam pattern


There are a plethora of airsoft grenades on the market. Both sound grenades the the "Thunder B" Style or BB Spreading grenades like the Z-Parts ERAZ Greande. The newest airsoft grenade to hit the market is an updated version of a classic! Airsoft Innovations released their Tornado 2 Timer Grenade! Shooting out 200 BBs at 240 FPS, with a 360 degree spread. This will tag everyone in the target room of your choice! Airsoft Innovations has released a plethora of awesome products throughout the years. The Cyclone Grenade, XL Burst Banger, and the 40 Mike are some of my favorite products. The Tornado 2 Timer Grenade gives you different options of use compared to their impact grenades.

Throwing an Airsoft Grenade
RGK with the Airsoft Innovations Tornado 2 Timer Grenade


Since about 2014, MOSFETS in airsoft have become very popular. To the point where some manufacturers are including them out of the box! MOSFETS originally were used to help regulate the electricity flow. They have now evolved into being able to program settings and increase the performance of your airsoft gun. Companies like GATE and JeffTron are after market MOSFETS that will help increase the overall performance of your airsoft gun!

inside an airsoft gearbox
GATE Mosfet

Tracer Units

Glow in the dark BBs have been around for a long time in airsoft. With more players now wanting to record their game play and see track their BBs. Tracer units have become more popluar. Companies like AceTech and XCortech have made the huge advancements into tracer units. Allowing for more compact designs.

yellow camo airsoft gun
Green Laser Airsoft Accessory

What are some of the trends in airsoft that you know? If there are some we missed, let us know! We are always looking out for whats new and in demand! If we get enough submissions, we will do another list and shot you out!

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All airsoft guns are required to have the tip (1/4 inch) of the barrel permanently colored in blaze orange. No person may openly display or expose any imitation firearm (replica firearm), in a public place. The term "public place" means an area open to the public or exposed to public view and includes streets, sidewalks, bridges, alleys, plazas, parks, driveways, parking lots, automobiles, whether moving or not, and buildings open to the general public, including those that serve food or drink, or provide entertainment, and the doorways and entrances to buildings or dwellings and the grounds enclosing them.

Any person who changes, alters, removes, or obliterates any coloration or markings that are required for by any applicable state or federal law or regulation, for any imitation firearm (replica firearm), or device in any way that makes the imitation firearm (replica firearm) or device look more like a firearm is guilty of violating the state or federal law.

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