Airsoft Guns Buyers Guide
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Condor Elite
CONDOR ELITE AND ITS EXPERTISE The Condor is the largest flying land bird in the Western Hemisphere and one of the most efficient animals on earth. Beating its giant wings only a few times to reach a moderate elevation, the Condor is able to soar miles over its typical 160 mile territory to find food to eat. Condor Outdoor Products is a mirror to Mother Nature’s great avian. Working each and every day to make our war fighters the most efficient they can be in whatever task they take on. Condor Outdoor found its beginnings early on as a camping goods manufacturer. The earlier days of the company were more focused on getting people out into nature and experiencing the wonder of the outdoors. As our product line expanded, the demand for function focused gear instead of general storage became more prevalent and as the War on Terror started we could not keep up with the demand for our products. Our quality and price of the 3-day Assault Pack drew so much attention that it became the heart of our tactical product line. From here we’ve expanded from camping vests to tactical vests, and expanding the product offering to equip warfighters, law enforcement, and hunters with quality and affordable gear. To celebrate the 20 year Anniversary of Condor Outdoor Products, we are turning our eye back to our roots by innovating stylish functional tactical gear for the outdoor and urban communities with the Condor Elite product line. With the focus on premium materials and quality craftsmanship, we hope to thank all those who serve, served, and will serve for the support in us and our products.

An Experienced Player’s POV: Nothing can set you back like low quality gear. Kick that problem to the curb and make use of Condor’s Elite line, allowing you to focus on the task at hand, and stop worrying about whether or not your gear can take the abuse. Condor’s Elite line features some of the best packs and bags money can buy, focusing on end-user requested features and craftsmanship that will stand the test of any mission requirement.

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Condor Elite Metropolis Briefcase (Black)

Condor Elite Metropolis Briefcase (Black)


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All airsoft guns are required to have the tip (1/4 inch) of the barrel permanently colored in blaze orange. No person may openly display or expose any imitation firearm (replica firearm), in a public place. The term "public place" means an area open to the public or exposed to public view and includes streets, sidewalks, bridges, alleys, plazas, parks, driveways, parking lots, automobiles, whether moving or not, and buildings open to the general public, including those that serve food or drink, or provide entertainment, and the doorways and entrances to buildings or dwellings and the grounds enclosing them.

Any person who changes, alters, removes, or obliterates any coloration or markings that are required for by any applicable state or federal law or regulation, for any imitation firearm (replica firearm), or device in any way that makes the imitation firearm (replica firearm) or device look more like a firearm is guilty of violating the state or federal law.

By accessing the Site, you certify that you are older than 18 years of age or the age of majority where you live, whichever is older; that you are the owner of any credit card used to purchase on items on the Site; that you are familiar with all local laws in your area affecting your legal right to access airsoft products; that any products you buy are for your own private enjoyment and that you will NEVER share these products with a minor in ANY WAY.