Airsoft is one of the fastest growing war-game sports, not only in America, but all around the globe. One may question the overall safety and responsibility of the players and staff that are involved in the sport, since the replicas used do resemble a real fire arm so closely. Luckily the airsoft community is one of the most safety conscious hobby/sport industries around. Here at Airsoft GI we are dedicated to the safety of our customers, and offer many items in our catalog to protect you from the risks you face when airsofting.
Airsoft, by definition, is a War-Game sport that employs the use of airsoft replicas (of real firearms) that typically fire a 6mm plastic pellet at relatively low velocities. A typical airsoft game involves two teams that are differentiated by colors such as tan versus green with a specific goal such as domination or capture the flag. More advanced and larger games involve much more in depth “objectives” that involve a story or scenario. In an airsoft game a player is eliminated or “killed” by taking a shot from a 6mm pellet to either their body or gear. When the player is struck with a 6mm pellet or BB, as it is commonly referred to in the industry, the player is supposed to loudly call “hit” and take out their red rag to notify other players that they have been eliminated. As the BB does not provide any form of a definite and clear hit airsoft is known as an “Honor Sport” meaning that the game play depends on the participants honor to call themselves out when hit, unlike paintball which actually leaves a mark on the target.
The 6mm pellet, while fired at a low velocity, can be dangerous if proper safety equipment is not employed. As a War-Game style sport most players opt to build their “load-out” and safety gear to resemble that of the armed forces. As such there are a few types of “load-outs” that players employ for the two main types of play, indoor CQB and outdoor. CQB focuses mainly on face protection, as high velocity BBs at close range can take out eyes, chip teeth, and even break skin. Outdoor protection focuses on protecting the player from outside elements such as nature, hazaards like rocks, glass, sharp metal fragments, and even the Sun. This spotlight will break down the different forms of protection offered so that you may be properly prepared to play Airsoft.